The 4th Quarter Honor Roll list is here!
Congratulations to all of our Scholars!
Click here to view: https://5il.co/1zjy9

School Supply Lists are now ready on our website.
Click on the link to view it : https://www.gesdk12.org/documents/important-documents/2023/school-supply/486896

Summer lunches will be moved to the Middle school to the single door at the cafeteria just down the hill from the HS.

Starting July 11th, Scholars can pick up breakfast and lunch at the Gloversville High School between the hours of 11 am-12:15 pm. Click on this link to view our menus: https://www.gesdk12.org/documents/lunch-menu/146251

Lincoln Street will be shut down for paving from 7/17 to 7/28/23. Please see attached map for details.

Mrs. Naselli’s second-grade scholars participated in Camp Read A Lot today making campfire artwork, building miniature tents, practicing reading skills with their favorite books, and listening to camping books. A special thank you to our classroom helpers!

Mrs. Yvars's class at Park Terrace released their butterflies today!

Mrs. VanNostrand’s third-grade class enjoys a wonderful presentation from "The Bee Lady”, Mrs. Cindy Elzenbeck. She visited each classroom with a model hive and taught us all about bees!

Prevention in Act-ion!

Mrs. Miller's 6th-grade science scholars did an investigation on colloids. They made butter and used it to make themselves a treat! The lab was to review states of matter as they turned a liquid into a solid.

The Outdoor Club met on June 3rd at Nine Corners Lake for their first hike. Dylan, Memphis, Jewelina, Jozalynn, and Jaiden joined Ms. Leahy and Mr. Wright for an afternoon hike up to the Lake. We are looking forward to scheduling more hikes and activities for next school year!

Members of the GHS Outdoor Club met on May 31 for their first official outing. The club met at the Gloversville Rail Trail to support the district’s ongoing effort to keep the Rail Trail clean. The Outdoor Club’s first hike is scheduled for this weekend at Nine Corner Lake!

GMS Drama Club students enjoyed their mystery parties in May. Each student was assigned a role to play in the mystery, then used their improv skills to work together to solve the “whodunit”. A fun time was had by all!

Boulevard Elementary is proud to spotlight one of our fantastic 4th-grade teachers, Lauren Hemstreet, and one of our incredible scholars, Emma Davis!
Congratulations and keep up the great work!

Miss Etherton and Mrs. Barboza’s second-grade classes at Park Terrace explored the properties of the matter today by creating Ooblek. We discussed how the Ooblek is one of the very few objects that have the properties of both solids and liquids!

Scholars from Mrs. Yvars and Ms. Rulison’s class in Park Terrace made some Memorial Day crafts!

Our Autoshop Scholars are always working!

Titan, our meal payments platform has been upgraded to LINQ Connect. Be sure to update your app by logging in at: https://LINQConnect.com. Your username and password for Titan Family Portal will continue to work with LINQ Connect.

More from the Boulevard Science Fair! Great job Scholars!