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Student Services
Students entering seventh and twelfth grades must be vaccinated against meningococcal disease in order to attend school in New York state.
Students must have an up-to-date immunization record, which complies with New York State Department of Health requirements. New York state has released a new School Health Examination Form that parents and doctors should use beginning July 1. The form is available at the State Education Department website at this link.
NYS law requires scholars in grades Pre-k or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, as well as new entrants, to have a physical examination. NYS law also requires Body Mass Index (BMI) and weight-status-category for scholars in grades K, 2, 4, 7 and 10, as well as new entrants, to be reported for these grade levels.
While the state considers the 2018-19 school year to be a transition year when schools can accept ANY completed health exam form, the new required Health Examination Form will be the ONLY form accepted in the 2019-20 school year. Click here to read full article, “NYS releases new Health Examination Form.”
By New York State Law, all students in grade 7 and all new entrants into the school district MUST have a recent PHYSICAL EXAMINATION done by their doctor or by the nurse’s office. New students are also required to show proof of immunizations prior to entering school.
Students are screened in school for vision, hearing and scoliosis according the New York State mandates. Parents/guardians will be notified of any findings on the screening that would require medical follow-up by their family doctor.
The state mandates are:
Vision screening – All new students of any age plus grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 11
Hearing screening – All new students of any age plus grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 11
Scoliosis screening – Grades 5-9 (Girls will be checked in grades 5 and 7, and boys will be checked in grade 9.) We make every attempt to keep students in class for instruction time. Scoliosis screening is performed during physical education classes.
School nurses and assistants are assigned to each building to implement the Health Services Program through teaching, counseling and administering first aid. They also conduct state required screenings for height, weight, vision, hearing and scoliosis. Nurses are available to students and families for health information, advice and medical questions as well as to implement student medication schedules during the school day. Nurse’s offices are open whenever school is in session and students are always welcome.
Each year students bring home a “Student Emergency Information” form. The purpose of this form is to update emergency contacts and student health information. If at any time, however, there is a change in a student’s medical status, it is imperative that the parent/guardian notify the school nurse to assure the child’s safety and well-being.
Please be aware that the school nurse is not allowed to use any medical products, such as Calamine lotion, antibacterial creams, Tylenol, etc. Medication of any type can only be taken in school when the parent/guardian submits the following information:
A note from the family doctor containing the student’s name, the date and name of the medicine, dosage and time to be administered, and list of possible side effects; and
A note from the parent(s) or guardian(s) giving the school nurse, teacher, principal or other school staff permission to administer the medication; or
A medication request form (which includes the family doctor and parent signatures) must be filed with the school nurse.
Students are not allowed to bring medication to school. This includes over-the counter medications such as aspirin, Tylenol, Claritin and cough drops. If students are found to be in possession of these types of any medication, severe disciplinary action may result.
Under certain circumstances, though, health care providers may request that a student carry and self-administer their own medication. This requires a specific request by the health care provider and must show that the student has been instructed in and understands the purpose and appropriate method of administration and frequency of use.