About GESD
Data Privacy & Security
Title I
Board of Education
Business Office
Student Services
LaShawn Hawkins
Phone: 518-775-5740 ext. 4060
Fax: 518-725-9216
Gloversville believes that scholars learn best when parents and teachers work together as partners. Please read below for helpful information and click through the links under “More Information” for a variety of resources that will help parents and their children succeed while in school.
If you cannot access or are having trouble viewing any information in this format, please contact the district at (518) 775-5702, and a hard copy will be provided, if available.
Under the school attendance Laws of New York State, parents are responsible for their children’s regular attendance and punctuality. Legal reasons for absence include illness of a child, emergency illness in the family, death in the immediate family, inclement weather and religious observances. A written excuse stating the date and the reason for the absence should be signed by the parent/guardian.
New York State’s Dignity for All Students Act (Dignity Act or DASA) seeks to provide the State’s public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function. Read more about DASA.
The Advantage After-School Program strives to provide parents with a safe after-school environment for their children to improve their social, emotional and academic competencies, as well as reduce negative youth behavior. Click here to learn more about the program Advantage After-School Program
Attendance is a critical factor for educational success. Regular attendance and punctuality will improve a student’s grades, enthusiasm for education, involvement in school activities, and social life. Consistent school attendance, improved academic performance and school completion will contribute to the district’s efforts to reach the higher standards established by the Board of Education. The district has a comprehensive attendance policy in place for all students, which is available for review at your child’s school and the District Office.
If your child became seriously ill at school, could we reach you? If there were an emergency school closing, how would we let you know?
Whether for a snow day or some school emergency, school officials occasionally need to contact parents/guardians with important information. We rely on the emergency contact information that you provide at the beginning of each year. But, people move; phone numbers and e-mail addresses change. In the event of an emergency, could we reach you? Don’t leave things to chance; please contact your school with any changes to your emergency contact information.
Gloversville parents of middle and high school students have access to their child’s attendance record, grading information and schedule, online through the Parent Access Portal. Click here to access the Parent Portal.
Students, parents and school personnel must work together to ensure an orderly and pleasant learning environment. We encourage students to become more responsible for their own actions and to understand and accept the range of consequences of these actions. School rules may be found on each school homepage.
GESD provides tutoring to resident students enrolled at school who are unable to attend school due to medical or disciplinary reasons. For more information, contact the Superintendent’s Office at 518-775-5791.