The COVID-19 global pandemic has challenged us to think differently about tasks we have normally taken for granted. The way in which we conduct the annual Title Grant presentation is no different. In years past, this presentation was conducted in-person and with low participation numbers. In this instance, the COVID-19 global pandemic has created an opportunity to share this presentation to a much larger audience.
The United States Department of Education & the New York State Education Department require school districts to gather the names of stakeholders (parents/guardians, students, community members, elected officials, district staff, teachers, administrators) that provide feedback and suggestions for the use of Title Grant funds. You will be required to leave your first and last name, stakeholder status (parent/guardian, student, community member, elected official, district staff, teachers, administrators). You may choose to leave contact information, but will not be required to do so.
Please take a few moments to watch the presentation and provide any brief comments and/or suggestions on how to best utilize our Title Grant funds.

Annual Title Grant presentation
August 18, 2020