Kingsborough Elementary School adheres to the Gloversville Enlarged School District Code of Conduct.


The school building opens at 8:35 a.m. for Second Grade scholars, 8:45 for Kindergarten and 1st Grade scholars and 8:55am for PreK scholars. All scholars are provided with breakfast upon their arrival. Students arriving after 9:05am will need to sign in through the Main Office.

Students arriving after 9:05 a.m. will be considered tardy and need to report to the main office.

Dismissal time is 2:40pm for PreK and Kindergarten and 2:50pm for 1st and 2nd grades.

Sometimes we realize that it is necessary to sign your child out for an appointment, however, signing your child out early on a regular basis is discouraged. Dismissal is a busy time. In order to ensure your child’s safety and ability to account for all children, early dismissals or changes to dismissal will not be allowed between 2:00 pm-2:55 p.m.


As a result of a law passed by the State Legislature, all school districts in New York State must inform parents of elementary school students of their right to be notified when the pupil is absent from school. If you desire such notification, please provide the school with a written request indicating your child’s name, grade and homeroom teacher, and the phone number you or a guardian can be reached at during the first two hours of the school day.

If you choose to be notified, please assist us by calling the office at 518-775-5730 when you know your child will be absent. This will greatly reduce unnecessary phone calls.

Whenever your child is absent, please be aware that we must have a written excuse of absence to be kept on file. The child must present the excuse, with the reason for absence, the date(s) of absences(s), and the parent’s signature to the classroom teacher on the day the child returns to school.


Parents are asked to make routine dental appointments outside school hours. Local dentists generally cooperate in order that the child will not lose any instructional time.


Please help us in our effort to maintain a safe and orderly school environment by not allowing your child to come to school before supervised hours.


Physical education is an integral part of our school curriculum. Attendance and participation on the part of all students is required. The only excuse for not attending and/or participating is a medical excuse signed by a physician.

Certain day-to-day absences, requested in writing by the parent might be reasonable and may be approved by the school nurse. The medical excuse should contain the following:

Student’s name
Student’s grade
Nature of illness or disability
Length of time excuse is valid
Nature of the excuse (non-participation)


When a child will be absent for a three week period or longer, he/she may qualify for home tutoring. A doctor’s note stating the diagnosed illness and the length of confinement at home must be submitted to the principal, along with a written parent request for home tutoring.


A lost and found box is located in the lobby. It is suggested that all articles of clothing be labeled with your child’s name to insure prompt return to the owner.


The school nurse cannot legally diagnose, prescribe, or treat any condition. If it is necessary for a child to receive any medication during the school hours, all the following procedures must be followed:

The written order of your physical specifying diagnosis, medication, possible side effects, dosage, frequency, and the time element for administering this medication.

The written request of the parents requesting that school personnel administer the medication as ordered.

The family must provide the medication in a bottle, tube, or container that clearly indicates date, name of child and physician, dosage and frequency. This should be brought to school by the parent because medicine is easily lost by children.


The school encourages parent-teacher conferences. In some instances the teacher will initiate such meetings, Parents may request a meeting at any time during the school year. Please call the office in order to make an appointment to see your child’s teacher. Parent-teacher conferences which are planned will be of the most value to all concerned.

There will be five additional half-days for parent-teacher conferences, which are yet to be determined. Monthly newsletters and bulletins will be sent home giving the dates for parent-teacher conferences.


We encourage parents who have special skills (academic, arts, crafts, hobbies, etc.) to share their interest and skills with the school. Interested parents are requested to contact the principal or classroom teacher.


Minor interruptions can have a major impact upon classroom instruction. All visitors are asked to report to the office upon entering the school. If you wish to stay in the building, please sign in for a visitor pass. Otherwise, we will see that your child gets forgotten lunches, clothes, money, etc. This will greatly assist us in maximizing instructional time for all children.

Also, please note that all doors, including the front door to the school, will be locked to ensure a safe environment for learning.


All children must wear sneakers to participate in gym class.


If it becomes necessary for a child to be taken from school by a parent during school hours, the parent should come to the main office for the child. Children will not be released to adult friends or relatives without written permission from the parents. Children may not walk home during school hours. The parent or guardian must take the child in person. All adults MUST provide a government issued, phot identification to pick up any student.


The lunch period contains approximately twenty minutes of recess time for the children to play. Outdoor play will be the usual method for recess except when temperatures dip below twenty degrees, wind chill is severe or it is snowing or raining.

Aides supervise the children at lunch recess. Misbehavior is to be reported to the principal.

Indoor recess at lunchtime is a frequent occurrence in the winter. Children must make every effort to play quiet games, draw, etc. Instruction is occurring in different parts of the building simultaneously with the lunch play.


Report cards are issued three times a year. The dates for report card distribution and the closing of marks are part of the district calendar.


All groups who wish to use the building for meetings, etc., must submit a request (forms are at the office) to the business office 48 hours in advance. In an emergency or on short notice, approval may be obtained from the superintendent. There is a fee for the use of the building for community groups.


Kingsborough has a long tradition of encouraging volunteers as support for our academic program. Volunteers also help with after school enrichment programs. Volunteers must be approved by the Board of Education before they can begin their work.

If you cannot access or are having trouble viewing any information in this format, please contact the district at (518) 775-5702, and a hard copy will be provided, if available.